Institute of Practical Commerce
We, GAT Institute, situated at Jalna, Maharashtra are a leading Institute offering a wide range of Computerized Accounting courses for all.

Institute of Practical Commerce
We, GAT Institute, situated at Jalna, Maharashtra are a leading Institute offering a wide range of Computerized Accounting courses for all.

Institute of Practical Commerce
We, GAT Institute, situated at Jalna, Maharashtra are a leading Institute offering a wide range of Computerized Accounting courses for all.

100% Practical Courses

- Duration - 07 Months
- Daily Time - 02 Hours
- Modules - 15
- 100% Practical Training
- Deeply Accounts & Tax Knowledge
- 100% Job Oriented Course
- Unlimited Training Supports
- Life Time Supports
- Printed Books
- Online Exam
- Certification

- Duration - 03 Months
- Daily Time - 01 Hours
- Modules - 04
- 100% Practical Training
- Accounts & Tax Knowledge
- 100% Job Oriented Course
- Unlimited Training Supports
- Life Time Supports
- Printed Books
- Online Exam
- Certification

- Duration - 3/6 Months
- Daily Time - 02 Hours
- Modules - FICO MM SD QM
- 100% Practical Training
- Free SAP Server
- 100% Job Oriented Course
- Life Time Supports
- Placement Assistance
- Printed Books
- Online Exam
- Certification

- Duration - 02 Months
- Daily Time - 01 Hours
- Advance Excel with Formula
- 100% Practical Training
- Deeply MS- Excel Knowledge
- 100% Job Oriented Course
- Unlimited Training Supports
- Life Time Supports
- Printed Books
- Online Exam
- Certification
Our Student Feedback
Student Review
सरांनी मला खूप चांगल्या प्रकारे अकाउंटिंग व टॅक्सचे संपूर्ण नॉलेज समजे पर्यंत शिकवले. इतर ठिकाणी फक्त बेसिक tally करून काही फायदा होत नाही. कारण जॉब साठी संपूर्ण प्रॅक्टिकल नॉलेज लागते.

Gat institute teaching is the best and regular for the teaching the best of GAT Institute. Practical Training is the very Improved and purring are the future. Is the very important and successfully complete for the course

Teaching Experience is very good because Raju Sir teaching very nice & very brilliantly. Practical training was good GAT Institute is really nice. I am very lucky to learn in GAT institute I have great experience its very useful in our future.

Best GAT Institute & its teaching very good & knowledge is great, practical training is the best and it is useful to Job for the future. Every student give the benefits For this institute. Because it is very useful.

मित्रानो मी श्रावण वायाळ 12वी झाल्या नंतर लगेच मॅट कोर्स गट इन्स्टिट्युट मध्ये जॉईन केल्या नंतर मला समजले प्रॅक्टिकल अकाउंटिंग, जीएसटी, टीडीएस, इन्कम टॅक्स काय असते याचे संपूर्ण नॉलेज मला मिळाले. सरांचे खूप खूप धन्यवाद.

Gat Institute येथे Mat and Tally Prime कोर्स मी पूर्ण केला. मला खूप चांगल्या प्रकारे अकाउंटिंग शिकवले.
आणि मी जॉब साठी तयार झालो आहे.
धन्यवाद राजू सर.

मी Gat Institute येथे मॅट कोर्स जॉईन केला होता. त्यामध्ये मी बेसिक अकाउंटिंग पासून ते Advanced अकाउंटिंग स्किल शिकलो. सोबत GST, Inventory, financial, trading, service, Finalization, online Gst Portal हा सर्व सिलॅबस मी या कोर्स मध्ये शिकलो. आणि आता मी जॉब साठी पूर्ण पणे तयार आहे.
धन्यवाद Gat Family...

एकदम मस्त शिकवतात practically knowledge तर एकदम व्यवस्थित शिकवतात.

Our Team